December 16, 2024 - ILP Tangkak has received the Accreditation Visit of the Skills Training Program Based on the TVET Program Accreditation Code of Practice (COPTPA) for the field of Mechanical Plan Drawing (MC-080-3:2013), Supervision of Plastic Injection Operations (MC-101-3:2015), Arc Welding Process Armored Metal (C259-008-3:2022) and Metal Structure Fabrication Operations (Oil, Gas & Petrochemical) (OG-011-3:2011) from the Skills Development Department (JPK).
This Commissioning Visit session was chaired by Puan Noor Hazlina Binti Khalid from the Skills Development Department (JPK) and assisted by the Verification Panel Ts. Azhar Bin Abdul Rahman, Mr Kamal Bin Abu @ Ahmad, Mr Mohamad Huzaimi Bin Abdullah, Mr Roshdi Bin Said and Mr Aminuddin Bin Othman.
Congratulations to ILP Tangkak for successfully getting 100% for all four programs conducted in this commissioning session.
“Jom Masuk ILP Tangkak”
“ILP Tangkak Bestari Dalam Taman”
"Empowering Skills, Igniting Futures"
“Memperkasa Kemahiran, Menyemarak Masa Hadapan”