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Excellence Appreciation Ceremony 1/2023

6 July 2023 - The Student’s Management and Training Department (BPPL) of ILP Tangkak organised the session 1/2023 Excellence Appreciation Ceremony. The event took place in ILP Tangkak with a black and white theme.The ceremony was filled with Student Performances, Sports Carnival Prize Presentations and Best Student Prize Presentations.

Well done to all ILP Tangkak students for their achievements.

“Jom Masuk ILP Tangkak”
"Be Inspired, Be Extraordinary, Be World Class With TVET"

Students’ Assembly with Director Series 3/2023

June 22, 2023 – Student’s Management and Training Department (BPPL) in collaboration with the Career and Community Support Services Division (CESS) had organized the Monthly Student’s Assembly with the Director which is one of the monthly activities in ILP Tangkak. There were many information and details were given to students during the assembly. We hope to create a better and improve interpersonal students especially from ILP Tangkak graduates.

“Jom Masuk ILP Tangkak”
"Be Inspired, Be Extraordinary, Be World Class With TVET"

Short Term Course - Basic Microsoft Word & Google Form

19-21 June 2023 - Cess Department had organized the Basic Microsoft Word and Google Form courses attended by 50 Tangkak District Council Staffs. This courses were conducted for 3 days and were delivered by instructors who are experts in the field of IT.

All participants were exposed to basic use of Microsoft Word and technique of using Google Form as a step to improve skills in using computer applications to help with their daily work. Hopefully the main goal of organizing these courses will be achieved and can improve participants work quality.

“Jom Masuk ILP Tangkak”
"Be Inspired, Be Extraordinary, Be World Class With TVET"

Community Visit and promotion program to Tangkak District Education Department (PPD)

21 JUN 2023 - Pihak Pengurusan Pelajar dan Latihan (BPPL) ILP Tangkak telah berkunjung ke Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Tangkak untuk lawatan kerja Promosi Jom Masuk ILP.
Objektif kami adalah memperkenalkan ILP Tangkak dan plan halatuju Jabatan bersama PPD kepada pelajar yang tidak mendapat tempat di IPT. Institut Latihan Perindustrian Tangkak menawarkan Latihan TVET sebagai pilihan terbaik.
Latihan TVET (Vocational Education and Training) merupakan pilihan yang sangat baik untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan mempersiapkan diri dalam bidang pekerjaan. Ini akan membantu pelajar menjadi lebih bersedia untuk memasuki dunia kerja.
Lawatan ini disertai oleh Tuan Pengarah Ts Mohamad Noor Bin Ismail, Timbalan Pengarah Latihan En Ts Aznizan Bin Md Nor dan Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Pelajar dan Latihan En Mohd Rafizi Bin Yasabah.
Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih atas ucapan kepada pihak PPD Tangkak kerana sudi menerima kunjungan pihak kami. Semoga ukhwah ini dapat diteruskan untuk Pendidikan TVET dapat membuka pintu untuk peluang pelajar dalam bidang kemahiran dan memperkasakan TVET jabatan.
“Jom Masuk ILP Tangkak”
"Be Inspired, Be Extraordinary, Be World Class With TVET"

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